Why Coinbase Stock Popped, Then Dropped, Today

Why Coinbase Stock Popped, Then Dropped, Today © Provided by The Motley Fool Why Coinbase Stock Popped, Then Dropped, Today What happened

It's been a wild day for shareholders in prominent crypto company Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN). Shares of the centralized cryptocurrency exchange surged more than 8% from yesterday's close as of 11:15 a.m. ET. However, since then, Coinbase stock has declined to a loss of -0.6%, as of 2:30 p.m. ET.


Interestingly, today's move in Coinbase appears to be somewhat negatively correlated to the move seen in the overall crypto market. In early-afternoon trading, the aggregate market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies has regained positive territory, after being down at the start of trading for the equities market (crypto is a 24/7 game).

That said, Coinbase's move aligns closer to the price action of the Nasdaq, which surged this morning before slumping in today's afternoon session.

So what

On the macro front, there's plenty to consider when it comes to the broader outlook for the economy this week. A series of jobs reports and other economic indicators are due this week, as well as Fed-speak from Jerome Powell on Tuesday and Wednesday. Today's indecisive price action in the overall market indicates that investors remain uncertain with respect to what this week will hold for risk assets.

Coinbase's outsized volatility this week appears to also harken back to the carnage of last week, with Silvergate Capital's collapse spreading contagion fears across the sector. This negative catalyst, in combination with other positive catalysts such as the announcement of a new Layer 2 blockchain network called Base, has investors on the fence with respect to where this stock could be headed from here.

Now what

Coinbase has since cut ties with Silvergate and is working toward innovating its way forward through the regulatory mess that may be proliferating in the crypto world. Concerns around crypto regulation remain high, as the SEC embarks on a campaign to potentially classify staking products as securities. For Coinbase, which has pushed back publicly against this view, there's plenty of uncertainty to go around. 

Thus, perhaps today's pop and drop makes sense in the grand scheme of things. Overall, it appears there are more positives than negatives in the crypto market right now. Investors are doing what they do best: erring on the side of safety in today's session.


10 stocks we like better than Coinbase Global

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Chris MacDonald has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Coinbase Global. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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