Insiders detail how Wall Street is preparing for a post-FTX world, from heightened scrutiny on crypto deals to rethinking hiring plans

  • FTX's sudden bankruptcy has sown fresh doubt about the crypto industry.
  • Most Wall Street firms have executed big crypto and blockchain initiatives.
  • Insiders say traditional firms will now look at crypto partnerships more skeptically.
  • Some of BlackRock's institutional clients can access bitcoin through Coinbase. Wealth management clients of JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo can buy funds that offer cryptocurrency exposure. Invesco and Galaxy Digital teamed up to launch crypto funds. Fidelity will soon let customers trade crypto, and retirement savers can invest in a Fidelity 401(k) plan with bitcoin in it.

    The ties between Wall Street, Main Street, and digital assets have never been tighter. Now these initiatives by traditional banks and money managers will be tested after the giant crypto exchange FTX suddenly filed for bankruptcy this month, weighing on already depressed crypto asset prices and raising questions about the company's many links across the industry. 

    While Wall Street insiders say companies aren't scrapping their plans — which, after all, are part of long-term institutional strategies that executives have in some cases taken years to shape — they expect traditional firms to scrutinize new crypto ventures more than they have in the past.

    Carlos Domingo, founder and CEO of Securitize, the digital asset company that tokenized part of private-equity firm KKR's healthcare fund on the Avalanche blockchain this year, told Insider that firms might "postpone projects or delay projects because of reputational concerns, or brand association with the space in general."

    Domingo said the KKR partnership remains unchanged. KKR, for its part, has no direct crypto exposure and no employees dedicated to crypto full-time, a person familiar with the matter said.

    The FTX collapse "brings a bad image to the space," but will "highlight the importance of regulated players" in the long run, Domingo said. 

    His sentiment embodies the view from some in the banking and asset management industries as regulators and investors scramble to figure out what went wrong at FTX under founder and former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried and how traditional players should proceed. 

    "If there's a positive to come out of it, one would hope it would expedite the development and implementation of greater regulation," said Richard Pooley, a partner at executive search firm Odgers Berndtson whose specializations include blockchain roles.

    Heightened scrutiny on crypto deals, growing calls for regulation, and a reevaluation of hiring plans for teams focused on digital assets are likely to follow, according to interviews with more than a dozen industry experts.

    "This will become a teachable moment in crypto evolution," Falguni Desai, a Microsoft banking and capital markets consultant who advises large banks on their strategy, told Insider. "However, the lesson is not a new one. Transparency, risk management, segregation of proprietary trading capital from agency trading, and other norms that have existed for other assets, are ones which should have been followed."

    Crypto partnerships under a microscope 

    Lee Smallwood has worked in crypto on both ends of the industry, from his decade-plus at Citigroup, where he was the bank's head of rates digital assets, to now helping run the crypto venture capital firm Hivemind. 

    He said the FTX debacle will impact the partnerships Wall Street firms have inked with crypto startups, but that banks' long-term plans, with their "narrow and well-defined roadmaps," will likely go unchanged. 

    "Reputational risk is at the heart of big banks, and I imagine folks will have a very hard time gaining partnership approvals without immense due diligence and very senior sign off," Smallwood, a managing partner and the chief operating officer of Hivemind, told Insider.

    One area where banks and asset managers have partnered with crypto firms is the dull, though critical, business of safeguarding customers' assets as a custodian. 

    Some traditional firms have chosen crypto custodians to do that for them, while others offer it themselves. 

    BNY Mellon, the largest custody bank, launched a crypto custody platform for bitcoin and ethereum this fall. Fidelity also has its own digital assets custody offering, and reportedly had plans to continue building out its digital-asset team as recently as late October.

    The regulatory backdrop in securing those partnerships was already tricky to navigate, industry insiders say, a dynamic that's expected to tighten after the FTX blow-up. 

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission's scrutiny over crypto has already made "custody plays pretty difficult," a senior executive at a European bank told Insider. Banks have lobbied against what's known as Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121, which requires most SEC registrants to record the fair value of custodied digital assets as a liability. 

    Even greater oversight in the wake of the FTX debacle may not make it worthwhile for banks to partner up with crypto custodians.

    Meanwhile, investors that were considering what's known as sub-custody, or parking their assets with an outside custodian, are now "reevaluating their counterparty risks," said Lamine Brahimi, cofounder of Taurus, a Swiss self-custody for digital-assets startup that counts Credit Suisse and Credit Agricole as clients. Brahimi told Insider in an email that he has fielded more outreach for Taurus services since the FTX implosion because of custody concerns. 

    Polygon cofounder Mihailo Bjelic, who started the blockchain scaling startup that helped execute JPMorgan's first decentralized finance trade — known in crypto circles as DeFi — said the company "is exploring multiple opportunities for future collaboration" with JPMorgan on crypto despite the market downturn. A JPMorgan spokesperson didn't respond to requests for comment in time for publication.

    Meanwhile, Apollo plans to launch a fund that will reside on the Provenance blockchain, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday. Christine Moy, the head of digital assets at private-equity giant Apollo Global Management, told Insider prior to the announcement that there has been "no shift" in Apollo's digital assets strategy. 

    Moy said in a direct message on Twitter last week that her team is "navigating through the hurricane."   

    'It's going to be a bloodbath'

    Traditional firms' hiring needs have also changed as some pull back on recruitment. Crypto-focused recruiters say some firms they work with are pausing hires, while others are forging ahead with those plans. 

    Dan Eskow, a longtime recruiter and founder of DeFi recruiting firm Up Top Search, is helping place former FTX employees into new roles. He said ex-FTX staffers he's worked with want to continue working in crypto. However, many are steering clear of firms where power is consolidated among a few executives, due to fears over another potential collapse, he added. 

    He expects traditional institutions to keep hiring for crypto plans. "I don't think they're going to be making any power moves in the short-term with those people, but I think they're building their army so that when it's time to attack again," they're ready, he said. 

    Another recruiter who specializes in crypto and blockchain roles said hedge funds and trading firms they work with aren't pulling back on the digital-assets space for now, and are "still very much actively hiring." The recruiter said trading firm clients are taking advantage of the volatility, and banks using blockchain technology internally aren't concerned with the market declines.

    Others are less optimistic. 

    "The institutions that were thinking about doing this certainly are on pause," said another recruiter who works with traditional finance firms to place crypto- and digital-asset-focused executives. The recruiter said they were in the middle of conversations with traditional financial firms interested in building out crypto teams, but "within last week it just went from: 'Let's have conversations' to 'We need to see how this plays out.'" The person declined to say which firms are pausing their hiring plans. 

    As for the firms that already have crypto strategies in place, some will see value in diversification and blockchain technology, the recruiter said, but others will reevaluate, leading to a potential flood of crypto talent in the market. 

    "I think that it's going to be a bloodbath," they said. "I think there are going to be teams on the street because of this."

    The bank lobby's view 

    Large financial firms might be hesitant to alter their crypto strategy wholesale because new details are emerging daily about how FTX unraveled. Experts say it's unclear exactly how customers will respond — or the extent to which they feel burned by the broader crypto industry. 

    "There hasn't been enough time for that to come to fruition or for banks to accept how customers are feeling today," Brooke Ybarra, the head of the office of innovation at the large trade group American Bankers Association, told Insider. "The process to launch something is time consuming and takes many, many months because of the regulatory requirements that banks face."

    According to Ybarra, banks have been divided into two camps in the wake of FTX's collapse. On the one hand, crypto skeptics now have more conviction than ever to remain wary. On the other hand, some banks feel that they have had a long legacy of providing safekeeping and custody, which could have prevented some of the harm if they had provided consumers alternative access to the digital-asset market.

    Ric Edelman, founder of registered-investment-advisory giant Edelman Financial Services, is skeptical that banks will unwind their crypto offerings or custody platforms. 

    "If you placed a client in crypto over the past month or years, you had an investment thesis behind that recommendation," said Edelman, who now runs advisory firm Digital Assets Council of Financial Professionals. "Criminal activity doesn't alter that thesis."

    He did warn, however, that the blowup will likely spur more regulation of the crypto industry that could possibly "stifle the growth of the crypto industry." But even so, banks will find a way to leverage the outcome, according to Edelman. "Wall Street has proven, if nothing else, that it knows how to make money in every environment," he said. 

    Amy Borrus, a spokesperson for the Council of Institutional Investors, the non-profit that lobbies on behalf of endowments, foundations, and corporate and union pension funds, said the group has not advocated for or against crypto. But the industry is watching. 

    "There are probably many lessons we will learn from the collapse of FTX once the dust settles," Borrus said. "But one that is clear already is the danger of letting a charismatic founder run a company with scant oversight." 

    KKR is a large shareholder in Axel Springer, which owns Insider.

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